I am a data scientist at Peak where I predominately work with manufacturing companies on pricing projects to deliver end-to-end ML pipelines that improve decision making & deliver measurable value. In 2021, I completed my PhD at the STOR-i Doctoral Training Centre at Lancaster University. My PhD was in partnership with Royal Mail and focused on changepoint detection in time series data. Through my work I aim to build effective statistical & ML methodology that is utilised and has an impact in the real world.
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PhD in Statistics, Completion Oct 2021
STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, Lancaster University
MRes in Statistics & Operational Research, 2018
STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, Lancaster University
BSc in Mathematics & Statistics, 2017
Lancaster University
High-dimensional changepoint analysis is a growing area of research and has applications in a wide range of fields. The aim is to accurately and efficiently detect changepoints in time series data when both the number of time points and dimensions grow large. Existing methods typically aggregate or project the data to a smaller number of dimensions, usually one. We present a high-dimensional changepoint detection method that takes inspiration from geometry to map a high-dimensional time series to two dimensions. We show theoretically and through simulation that if the input series is Gaussian, then the mappings preserve the Gaussianity of the data. Applying univariate changepoint detection methods to both mapped series allows the detection of changepoints that correspond to changes in the mean and variance of the original time series. We demonstrate that this approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art multivariate changepoint methods in terms of accuracy of detected changepoints and computational efficiency. We conclude with applications from genetics and finance.